
Rekrutmen Siswa Tahun Ajaran 2022-2023 LG Global School

 LG Global School adalah sebuah program gratis yang memberikan pendidikan sistematis dan profesional kepada para remaja dari keluarga multikultural. LG Global School menyediakan kelas bilingual, budaya, dan masyarakat global secara online maupun offline sehingga para remaja dapat tumbuh menjadi orang dewasa yang berbakat dengan kepercayaan diri yang tinggi melalui pembelajaran dalam dua atau lebih bahasa dan budaya. LG Global School juga menawarkan berbagai program seperti pelatihan sains dasar, pelatihan di luar negeri, dan juga pelatihan sukarelawan, agar para remaja dapat meningkatkan keterampilan komunikasinya di rumah, sekolah, dan masyarakat, serta mampu membangun nilai-nilai yang positif.  1. Periode Pendaftaran: 7 Januari s/d 6 Februari 2022 2. Cara Pendaftaran: 1. Masuk ke dalam website LG Global School (, lakukan pendaftaran anggota, lalu lakukan pendaftaran calon siswa secara online 3. Proses Seleksi: Pendaftaran aplikasi online → Peninj...

Call for Applications: 2022-2023 LG Global School

  LG Global School provides specialized, systematic educational support to children and youth from multicultural families. To help them build confidence and self-esteem through multilingual and multicultural education and unlock their potential, LG Global School offers a two-year program of online and offline bilingual & cultural education, global citizenship education, science literacy education, and study abroad and volunteer abroad opportunities. Eligibility requirements ① Students from multicultural families with South Korean nationality - Where one parent is a foreign national and the other is a South Korean national; - Where they are children of naturalized or to-be-naturalized citizens; or - Where they are immigrant students (foreign-born immigrant students living in Korea)② Students who are capable of completing LG Global School’s two-year program Online Application and Requirements 1. Visit LG Global School’s official webpage ( ), si...

2022~2023 “LG와 함께하는 사랑의 다문화 학교” 학생 모집

LG 와 함께하는 사랑의 다문화 학교는 다문화가정 청소년들에게 체계적이고 전문적인 교육을 무료로 지원하는 프로그램입니다 . 두 가지 이상의 언어와 문화 경험을 통해 높은 자존감과 자신감을 갖춘 인재로 성장할 수 있도록 이 중언어 / 문화 교육과 세계시민교육을 온 · 오프라인으로 지원하고 있습니다 . 또한 기초 과학교육 프로그램 , 해외연수 및 봉사 프로그램 등의 LG 다문화학교 프로그램을 통해 가정 , 학교 , 사회 내 의사소통 능력을 증진하고 긍정적인 가치관을 정립하여 세계시민의식을 함양한 글로벌 인재로 자라날 학생을 아래와 같이 모집합니다 . 1. LG다문화학교 유튜브 :  - 유튜브 : LG다문화학교 검색  2. LG다문화학교 인스타그램 : lg_global_school 검색   #LG #LG다문화학교 #LG다문화 #LG와함께하는사랑의다문화학교 #LGGLOBALSCHOOL #무료교육 #무상교육 #무료지원 #다문화

23 Tahun

  D-1   “Dave, aku pikir ada yang aneh dengan gigiku.” “Hmm… coba kulihat…. Aku tidak melihat ada yang aneh. Mungkin itu hanya perasaan kamu saja.” “Hmm… mungkin… aku tidak boleh sakit. Besok aku ada wawancara penting dan aku sudah mempersiapkannya selama berbulan-bulan. Aku tidak boleh gagal dalam wawancara tersebut.” “Iya, kamu sudah bekerja keras selama 10 bulan belakangan ini. Kamu hanya tidur dua sampai tiga jam sehari. Kamu juga sudah belajar terus di ruanganmu. Kerja keras kamu pasti membuahkan hasil.” “Tentu saja, aku pun yakin pasti begitu. Tapi, sudah beberapa hari ini aku merasa ada yang aneh dengan gigiku. Kamu yakin tidak ada yang terlihat aneh dari gigi atau mulutku?” “Iya, aku yakin. Kamu fokus saja untuk wawancara besok, okay?”   D-day “Mary, kamu sudah siap? Ayo aku antar ke lokasi wawancaramu.” “Dave, gigi dan gusiku sakit sekali.” “Aduh, kamu tahan saja ya. Tidak mungkin kamu melewatkan hari penting ini, ‘kan? Ayo sini aku antar.” ...

Last Memory

November 8, 1998   It has been harder for me too breath. Maybe this is the end of my life? Honestly, I'm satisfied my whole life. And I also feel that this is the right time for me to face the Almighty. My wife retired a few years ago and all of my children are grown and have their own family. I also have beautiful and handsome grandchildren. What else do I not have? I feel like I've had enough of my life here.   Speaking of my life, actually I don't know when I was born, but my ID card says I was born June 7, 1928. Yes, it's a fake birthdate, because just a few years after I was born, my parents died. After that I left my house to make money in the city. I was adrift in the city of Medan, which was the largest city on the island of Sumatra at that time; I even went to the island of Borneo to work on ships. That's when I created a fake identity that I ended up using until now.   I returned to my hometown in 1960 because I had become a businessman and als...